‘Horizontal’ and ‘vertical’ varietal structures in Western Austria
2022-04-13, 09:30–10:00 (Europe/Vienna), Room 1


This paper addresses the challenging task of structuring varieties in a complex interplay of areal-horizontal and social-vertical variation in Austria. In the European context, Austria may be re-garded as an “ideal sociolinguistic research laboratory” (Lenz 2018: 269) comprising a land-scape of vivid base dialects on the one hand and a dynamic ‘verticality’ on the other hand, i.e. more or less continuous transitions between dialect and standard forms (cf. Lenz 2019: 338-352). However, as previous studies have mainly focused on linguistic variation in the eastern parts of the country (cf. Scheutz 1985, Scheuringer 1990), Austria’s West remains underrepre-sented in recent research (but see e.g. Bülow et al. 2019 and Fanta-Jende in print). For this area, it is assumed, that there is a transition zone between Bavarian and Alemannic dialects (cf. e.g. Wiesinger 1990), yet no fundamental research has been undertaken on the question whether this results in a total continuum or rather multiple transition zones with certain continuities and breaks. Similarly, on the social-vertical level, the discussion is still ongoing whether to assume a continuous transition between dialect and standard, i.e. a diaglossia as usually proposed for Ba-varian regions, or a diglossic vertical structure with clear-cut divisions between varieties as sug-gested for Alemannic Switzerland (cf. Ender & Kaiser 2014, Schönherr 2016 for further discus-sion).

To tackle these desiderata, we draw on comprehensive data collected within the framework of the Special Research Program (SFB) “German in Austria. Variation – Contact – Perception”. We are going to present two case studies, one on the areal-horizontal and one on the social-vertical dynamics in western Austria: Our first case study ascertains the situation in 20 locations in the federal states of Vorarlberg and Tyrol by the means of a dialect questionnaire. By investigating multiple phonetic-phonological variables realized by 60 speakers, the regional transitions be-tween Bavarian and Alemannic are determined. The second study allows for an in-depth ap-proach and investigates the inter- and intra-individual variation of 12 speakers in six situational settings with varying degrees of formality. Those variables which proved to be particularly fruit-ful for the areal-horizontal distinction will be used to explore the social-vertical structures along the dialect-standard-axis of three locations in the West of Austria. Both case studies draw not only on qualitative methods but also on explorative statistics (cluster analysis and factor analy-sis) to structure the complex variability in the data. By comparing the two studies and analyzing the implications of selecting one variable over another, a general methodological discussion against the theoretical background of Austria’s complex language situation is a key objective of this paper.

  • Bülow, Lars; Vergeiner, Philip C.; Scheutz, Hannes; Wallner, Dominik; Elspaß, Stephan. 2019. Wie regelhaft ist Lautwandel? Grundsätzliche Überlegungen anhand einer Fallstudie zu mhd. ô in den bairischen Dialekten Österreichs und Südtirols. In Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Lingu-istik 86(1). 5–50.
  • Ender, Andrea & Irmtraud Kaiser. 2014. Diglossie oder Dialekt-Standard-Kontinuum? Zwischen kollektiver, individueller, wahrgenommener und tatsächlicher Sprachvariation in Vorarlberg und im bairischsprachigen Österreich. In Dominique Huck (ed.), Alemannische Dialektologie: Dia-lekte im Kontakt. 131−146. Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Fanta-Jende, Johanna. Varieties in Contact: Horizontal and vertical dimensions of phonological variation in Austria. In Alexandra N. Lenz & Mateusz Maselko (eds.), Variationist Linguistics meets Contact Linguistics. Vienna: Vienna University Press.
  • Lenz, Alexandra N. 2018. The Special Research Programme: German in Austria: Variation – Contact – Perception. In Sociolinguistica 32(1). 269-278.
  • Lenz, Alexandra N. 2019. Bairisch und Alemannisch in Österreich. In Joachim Herrgen & Jür-gen Erich Schmidt (eds.): Deutsch. 318−363. Berlin & Boston: de Gruyter.
  • Scheuringer, Hermann. 1990. Sprachentwicklung in Bayern und Österreich: Eine Analyse des Substandardverhaltens der Städte Braunau am Inn (Österreich) und Simbach am Inn (Bayern) und ihres Umlandes (Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 3). Hamburg: Buske.
  • Scheutz, Hannes. 1985. Strukturen der Lautveränderung: Variationslinguistische Studien zur Theorie und Empirie sprachlicher Wandlungsprozesse am Beispiel des Mittelbairischen von Ulrichsberg/ Oberösterreich (Schriften zur deutschen Sprache in Österreich 10). Vienna: Wil-helm Braumüller.
  • Schönherr, Beatrix. 2016. Sprach- und Sprechformen zwischen Dialekt und Standardsprache: Untersuchungen auf einem wenig erforschten Terrain: Vorarlberg. In Zeitschrift für Dialektolo-gie und Linguistik 83(3). 315− 355.
  • Wiesinger, Peter. 1990. The Central and Southern Bavarian Dialects in Bavaria and Austria. In Charles V. J. Russ (ed.), The Dialects of Modern German: A Linguistic Survey. 438−519. Lon-don: Routledge.
Panel affiliation

Inter-varietal distinctiveness: How to distinguish and structure varieties

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... is currently a PhD student at the German Department of the University of Vienna, Austria, and part of the SFB project "German in Austria. Variation - Contact - Perception" (part PP03: Speech Repertoires and Varietal Spectra). Her research emphases lie on variationist linguistics and sociolinguistics of present-day German with a focus on phonetic-phonological variation within the dialect-standard-spectrum.

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